普渡工程線上課程 (PEOC)

普渡工程線上課程 (PEOC)


普渡工程線上課程(Purdue Engineering Online Courses, PEOC)提供本校學生跨國跨時差選讀美國普渡大學優質課程的機會,選擇研究型大學才能提供的具備廣度和深度專業知識的課程,體驗來自美國第一線的專業高等教育,並且在完成課程後將收到普渡大學提供的正式成績單,可使用於學分抵免相關申請。

  • 課程型態: 在“現場課程”錄製完兩小時後開放線上觀看與下載。課程採取非同步上課的模式,而課程影片與授課老師提供教材的存取權將不會有時間、地點上的限制。 
  • 教學方式: 所有的課堂活動、作業及考試必須如期完成。課程基本上皆為16週(暑期課程為8週)。一門3學分的課程,每週上課時數大約9到12小時。


共16個學院系提供線上課程,不限於工程相關學系。目前共303門課可供選擇,開在秋季班、春季班和暑假,大部分為3學分與1學分課程。課程編號開頭皆為5或6,即普渡研究所層級課程。詳見課單連結: https://engineering.purdue.edu/online/courses/school_listings


  1. 經學系同意,可用於抵免本校畢業需求學分。
  2. 完成課程學分亦可用於未來出國深造申請抵免使用,若欲攻讀美國普渡大學研究所,最高可抵免12學分(須依普渡大學各學系抵免規定辦理,詳見下列網址中的"Participation as a Non-Degree Student", https://engineering.purdue.edu/online/apply-register/certificate-nondegree/course-only-non-degree)。
  3. 全英語線上課程,自我英語能力挑戰,邁向國際化。



學士班學生: 三年級以上學生申請,每學期平均85分以上且累計學業總平均90分以上(排除Coursera課程成績),綜合評比獲書卷獎次數較多者擇優錄取。

碩博士班學生: 二年級以上學生申請,累計學業總平均90分以上,綜合評比擇優錄取。

學分限制: 每名學生限選1門3學分的課程。若申請修課學生超過限定名額,將酌參成大在校成績與排名審查選課資格。

113年秋季班: (已截止)即日起至202486()中午12:00開放填寫選課表單。(請注意! 配合普渡大學學期時間,預計2024819開始上課)

114年春季班: 待公告;114年暑假課程: 待公告。參閱課單連結資訊,選擇確認想要修讀的課程。(目前僅開放113年秋季班課程)

  1. 點選下方選課連結填寫基本資料與欲修讀的課程資訊。
  2. 普渡大學提供課程使用的系統帳號,依照說明設定登入密碼。
  3. 於系統中直接點選課程連結依照規定修課。

(普渡大學Academic Calendar參考連結: https://www.purdue.edu/registrar/calendars/index.html)

選課費用: (限定名額免付費!)



請於收到普渡大學通知帳號建立完成郵件後,寫信至noncredit@purdue.edu 辦理棄選。





Purdue Engineering Online Courses (PEOC)

Introduction of Purdue Engineering Online Courses:

PEOC gives you access to the same world-class teaching faculty who teach on campus, the opportunity to choose from a course list that reflects the breadth and depth of knowledge only a major research university can provide and receive an official course transcript from Purdue University upon completion of your courses.

  • Courses will be available for download and viewing two hours after the "live" lecture has been captured, and there will be no time restrictions as to when you access these courses. Classes will be asynchronous, and the material, lectures, tests, and assignments provided by the instructors can be accessed at any time. 
  • All course activities, assignments, and exams must be completed by their respective due dates. The typical length of our courses is 16 weeks (summer course is 8 weeks). You may expect to spend 9-12 hours per week of study time for each 3-credit course.

Courses Field:

Courses from 16 faculties are provided, with a total of 303 courses including but not limited to engineering related courses. 
List of provided courses can be found at: https://engineering.purdue.edu/online/courses/school_listings (course numbers that begin with 5 or 6 are graduate-level courses)

As an NCKU student:

  • Courses taken, if recognized by your department, may be used for credits waiver and transference.
  • Credits of completed courses may be used to waive a maximum of 12 credits if you decide to study graduate school at Purdue University. 
    (Details can be referred to at https://engineering.purdue.edu/online/apply-register/certificate-nondegree/course-only-non-degree, under “Participation as a Non-Degree Student”)
  • Challenge yourself with English-Instructed Courses and broaden your global vision.

Course Selection:

Considering the courses of PEOC are all graduate level, only the students fulfilled the requirements below may apply for the course.

Undergraduate students:

1. Junior students and above (including junior students).

2. Term average score of each semester is 85 or above, and the total term average score is 90 or above. (Not including Coursera courses)

3. Having received the Academic Achievement of Outstanding Student is a plus.

Graduate students:

1. Second year students and above (both master and doctor)

2. The total term average score is 90 or above. (Not including Coursera courses)

Restriction: One student can only select one 3-credit course. If the number exceeds the limitation, the NCKU transcript and ranking will be considered as a reference to review the qualification.

2024 Fall Semester Courses: (Application Ended)Now ~ 12:00 PM, 6th August, 2024 open to fill out the Google form. (Attention! Following the schedule of Purdue University, the spring semester courses will start on 19th August, 2024.)

2025 Spring Semester Courses: to be announced. 2025 Summer Courses: to be announced. (Currently open for taking 2024 Fall Semester courses)

  1. Select courses that you wish to attend.
  2. Access Google form below and fill in personal and course information.
  3. Purdue University will provide you with account information to access online courses, and you may start taking classes of your selected courses.

Course Tuition: (Limited seats are open for free enrollment to NCKU students)

According to the official website of Purdue University, the tuition is 1,459 USD per credit (approximately 47,000 NTD per credit, and approximately 141,000 NTD for a 3-credit course).

The courses were formerly paid courses, but this year a limited number of seats are open for free enrollment to NCKU students. Due to the limited availability of seats, early registration is strongly recommended to ensure your participation.

Course Withdrawal:

Contact with noncredit@purdue.edu after receiving the account registration email from Purdue University.

Course Waiver and Transference:

Students that wish to apply for course waiver and transference are required to gain permission from their department office via the PEOC Course Waiver and Transference Inquiry Form before selecting the course, then approach their department office with their application form as well course transcript after the course ends. Please be reminded that after the course ends, all course waiver and transference procedures must be completed in one week after the upcoming semester begins.

System Issues:

Students will take the PEOC courses on Purdue's system -  Brightspace. If there are technical issues with Brightspace, please contact with tlt@purdue.edu.